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I lost 100 pounds through a lifestyle change

Lisa is no stranger to struggling with body weight, having dealt with being 100+ pounds overweight for almost 35 years! Finally being sick of battling with the scale, in September 2019, she decided to change her life around. Since doing so, she has lost over 100 pounds Lisa is still on her wellness journey as it truly is a lifestyle, continually and consciously taking care of your health in mind, body, and spirit every day. Along the way, she has connected with hundreds of other amazing women who are struggling with similar body issues. She has known her entire life that her purpose is to help others - after all, sometimes it truly takes a village. Knowing this she's created an environment and a community that helps teach other women how to be their very best selves! That means being in a body you LOVE and one that serves you with strength, energy, and longevity for years to come.

Latest Stories and Events

Solemn Session on Obesity - Chamber of Deputies, Brasília

Solemn Session in March 2025, in commemoration of WORLD OBESITY DAY, will take place in the Chamber of Deputies, in Brasília, on March 18, at 11 am, Brazil time.

Free Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Loss Coaching - for Obesity Prevention & NCDs Management

Slim-Me-Go Health Foundation (India) are proudly joining the World Obesity Day 2025 movement on March 4th, 2025. As part of our commitment, we will be offering a "Free Health & Lifestyle Coaching Program" focused on Obesity Prevention and Sustainable idle healthy weight management, running on World Obesity Day 2025 itself and continuing throughout March 2025.

Iluminemos México

En el marco del World Obesity Day - México, la Sociedad Mexicana de Obesidad (SMO), ¡Te invita a unirte a nosotros este 4 de marzo a las 7:00 p.m. en la Ciudad de México!. ¡Nos vemos en el encuentro!

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality - World Obesity Day Awareness Video

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality prepared a video to draw attention to obesity, raise awareness, and announce its services within the scope of March 4 World Obesity Day activities and will share it on social media.